Sad Faced Boy


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Gridlock on a Saturday night.

You'd think that if I said something like gridlock on a Saturday night that I would be talking about ohhhh Washington D.C. No, no not really it just happened to be a Saturday night after the bucks have played. I think it's my fate that I constantly get stuck in traffic from either people going to a Buckeyes game or people leaving one, HATE is the only word I have for the congestion caused by those games. Truthfully I get the love of college football, you have memories associated with a college, and many great weekends getting drunk, passing out and having a "ritual cleansing" in the morning/afternoon/evening or whenever you have consumed too much. It's just the traffic, I hate getting stuck in traffic especially when it isn't during the week. The thing that drove me the craziest is the fact that they routed us from going north on Kenny Rd unto Kinnear. Why this makes no sense is that they routed us from a street that was going to a four lane road onto a street that is a two lane road that dumps you into a suburban area with no real arteries to handle the traffic. Idiocy, pure idiocy... however the police did have really nifty traffic baton things.

BTW here is a map of where they routed us onto Kinnear, "A" is a florist shop where we turned left instead of going straight.

Other than that I got my screens to the local hardware store to get re-screened as I slashed the screens by accident right after I finished the last coat of paint. The slashing occured as I was trying to make sure that whe I pulled the tape off I wasn't going to remove any paint with it. No worry of that now though.... weeeeee!

Checked out a chair at the La-Z Boy furniture at Mill Run but truthfully after seeing it, I am started to realize that it's kind of over stuffed and pug like.. PUG LIKE I said! BTW here's a link to the chair, keep in mind that the fabric that appears by default isn't the fabric that we like. BUT it's really a moot point because I don't think we like it.

So after that we went to Larsons, a local toy store to see if they have a game called Carcassonne. Carcassone is a board game where you have to lay these tiles and decide whether or not you want lay one of your game pieces on it. It's all about trying to get more points than anyone else and it ends when you have no more tiles to lay. You get points by laying your "meeples" on the tile you lay down. What your meeples are is determined by what you lay your meeple on. A meeple placed on a city tile becomes a knight, a meeple laid on a cloister becomes a monk, a meeple laid on a road becomes a thief and a meeple laid on the grass is a farmer. For all meeple types but farmers you get points when you complete whatever it is they are laid on. Farmers gain points when the game ends and you see who has the most farmers supporting a single city, a player with the most meeples per city gains four points per completed city. It may not seem like a lot of fun but it is.

After we picked up Carcassonne and all the expansions Larsons had, we then went over to a furniture store in Grandview called Global Living. Global Living is kind of cool because it is a furniture store that carries all kinds of styles of furniture. It has modern furniture, furniture influenced by asia, contemporary funiture, etc etc. On top of that they display and sell artwork on the wall which I believe may be semi local, they have a indian rug dealer, a cafe that serves wine and then the sell all kinds of decorative pieces for your home too. Why I mention this is mainly because we found a chair there that we liked also made by a company called Mitchell Gold.

After that was fated meeting with after game traffic followed by a rousing game of Carcassonne where I lost by over 100 points (Jess cheats!) and dinner at Aladdins, can you say "Mudjadara Pocket"?


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