Sad Faced Boy


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I scream, you scream, we all scream for TIVO.

I wonder if we are getting closer and closer to a times where technology controls us more than we control it. I mention this because I think I may be getting anxiety attacks due to the fact that my Tivo is telling me that it is going to start deleting some of my shows it has recorded. I've only had the thing for little over a month now so I guess this was bound to happen, truthfully the culprit is my wife's (Surly Girl, aka SG) addition to the "to do list" where it is recording all movies that Catherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn or Cary Grant have appeared in. This is causing a problem because each movie is about two hours long and seems to take up anywhere from 2-4 gigs of space depending on how long it is, so if each movie is that large and TCM (Turner Movie Classics) records 4 of them in a day = trouble. I just find it so disconcerting when I tell Tivo to save something until I delete it, and then it talks back to me saying "Fine sucka but these programs which you also care about could be deleted earlier". "Could", it's the could that really gets me, you know when a person starts to consider not coming into work because a machine is telling them that it will delete certain programs if you don't watch them, there may be a problem.

Last night for whatever reason I was feeling completely exhausted, and for some reason depressed . Depression is not all that common in Ohio I think, I mean, HOW CAN YOU NOT be depresssed by the weather we have here. So I did a little search in the interskank and found a page called
Weather Underground which just happens to have a page that displays historical information. Columbus is awfully close to Seattle as far as the percentage of days in a month that has sunshine. We are within +/- 2-3% of Seattle for seven months out of the year and we actually have LESS sun in July than Seattle does. I really wish I could find historical data on how many overcast days different cities in the US have in one year, because I just bet we aren't too far from the top.

Enough of that rant, so I went to the grocery store and after that I decided I should go lift as I didn't do it in the morning (keep in mind this is all on Tuesday night). This turned out to be a good thing, I know that when you excercise your body realeases endorphins but it's one thing to know and another to experience it. After that I came home and made some soup (I love soup it just might be one of my more favorite things to eat) and then sat down to watch "North By Northwest". I have this strange draw to Cary Grant movies, it may be because I was named because of him, but I don't think that's entirely it. Cary Grant has something about him, he delivers all of his lines so naturally, the way he carries himself seems almost otherworldly, he is unlike any other current actor I can think of. Hugh Grant in "Four Weddings and a Funeral" reminds me in some ways of Cary Grant, but I just don't think anyone has such an effortless way that Cary Grant does when he delivers his lines.

I was able to finish "North by Northwest" however by this time it was 12:30 and well aware that Tivo was staring at me, reminding me that I had more T.V. to watch I decided I will watch an episode of "Full Metal Alchemist". I know, I know grown men shouldn't watch cartoons but I don't much consider myself grown in many ways, so BAH! I know I shouldn't like the show, it is formulaic, kind of kiddish, and the animation isn't all that great, however I really like the world it creates.

Tivo.... I really need to stop watching so much Tivo, I have the newest book by Robert Jordan and I haven't even had time to read it. So far I am really liking it but then again I just really like reading the Wheel of Time books, or as my wife likes to call them "Thing of Thing" books. I was going to buy the next "Thing of Thing" books from George R.R. Martin but I read that it was mainly filler for the next one, so I will get it from the library. Something I should do anyway since I already don't have room for the books I currently own, so why buy more.

Tonight I have got to do about three metric shit tons of laundry, (3 metric shit tons?) yes three, not one, and most deffinatly not two. This all part of the woes of SG being out of town for a convention in Atlanta, which is not to say that I am helpless without her, it's just that she is the laundry queen. She has this whole process where she might actually do some kind of laundry dance, while flipping the laundry detergent, bleach and fabric softner bottles in much the same way that Tom Cruise flipped those alcohol bottles in "Cocktail". Thankfully I'm saved as she created me a "Laundry for Dummies" sheet (complete with a dummies picture on it) so that I will do laundry following all 22 steps to insure that the clothes are cleaned correctly. Now if I only I could read something completely.

So here is something completely unrelated, sometimes in hip-hop songs there is a guy that either repeats what the man MC says, I was thinking that he HAS to have a name, and according to a friend of mine that name is a "Hype-man". Hmm I need to do more research on that, there has got to be a better name for that.

On another side note the Final Fantasy VII "Advent Children" movie is awsome. I mean it has enough ass rock to choke a horse, actually every time you hear heavenly guitar riffs driving beats and thumping bass realize that another action sequence is happening. The great thing about it all is that this is almost the whole movie. Ass rock, I love it.


At 7:28 PM, Blogger __ said...

Hey: double-check the settings on the old-movie wishlists, and make sure those movies are recording at medium/basic quality.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger SFB said...

They are.


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