If what I've heard is true about writing and it being like a muscle then my writing muscle is something close to that of a bed ridden comatose person with oozing bed sores. I read once that programmers should get in the habit of writing even if they don't have much to say. The idea is that by getting in the habit of writing on a daily basis it will make it easier to do things like write specifications and documentation of code. As it is my writing for specifications and comments to tickets goes something like "Me code, fix broke thing, code better, think maybe. Coffee?"
I have this loathing, this burning hatred for Lifestyles Community Pavilion. I thought it was that maybe I just hated their indoor concerts but no... it turns out I hate their outdoor concerts. One could make the point that maybe I'm just going to all the wrong concerts but then I'd pose the question what is a GOOD concert. Last night I went to see Modest Mouse at the outdoor venue. I have this new theory that maybe the problem with the LC is that all they serve is Budweiser products and that it isn't actually the venue but the Budweiser that turns people into heinous, crowd surfing, elbow jabbing, hey I'm 7 foot tall and I'm going to elbow in front of you wee man and then stand there dancing like a drunk sorority girl on a bar room table type of person. Maybe? Maybe. Seriously I somehow went from being in a group of normal sized people to suddenly being surrounded by 7 foot tall Beowulf slaying Neanderthals. I was fully expecting the much banging on chests, swinging of war hammers (Which by the way a maul a civilized version of a war hammer) and drinking of mead out of goat antlers. I must have a magnet on me that says "I'm short please fucking stand in front of me."
Alright calm down. The concert was great, all the songs from latest album were played (I think) along a large portion of material from "Bad News for People that Love Good News" with a few earlier songs mixed in. The crowd was frothing, sweaty and screaming the lyrics to every song all the while bouncing like flubber infused bouncy balls. The crowd surfing did my heart good to see until those that surfed decided that once they got to the stage that it wasn't enough to get up there. No they needed to start dancing, posturing and generally making a total asshole of themselves. Surprisingly it was almost entirely guys doing that kind of thing. Can you sense the sarcasm. It got so bad that Isaac Broc (Lead Singer) had to start telling people to get the fuck of the stage. Let me apologize right now, I'm using names of people and I by no means mean to make it sound like I know these people or their life history. I'm not sure if this is part of the YouTube generation of the innanet but it's retarded. The posturing and dancing had all the semblance's of a child standing in the middle of an aisle in the grocery store yelling "Look mommy, look mommy do you see what I'm doing, do you see, LOOOK MOMMMMY!"
Something totally unrelated to the concert was a story about piss I heard last night. I had mentioned to someone about how I have a friend that tends to get even with piss. I was one upped by this story.
This friend of a friend was sick and feeling very lazy. Laying on the couch he didn't really want to get up to use the bathroom so he grabbed the nearest pop can and filled it with urine. His mother at the time had this tendency to take half drank cans of pop and stick them in the refrigerator for consumption later. Later that night the family sits down at the dinner table and out comes the half filled can of piss that the mother put in the fridge. She takes a sip and says "Ewww what's wrong with this it tastes like piss." She takes another sip before deciding to pour out the can.
I never did ask if he ever told his mother that she drank his piss or if she continued the tradition of stowing half drank cans of pop in the fridge. I couldn't because I couldn't stop laughing.
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