Sad Faced Boy


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Vampires kick ass.

They do actually, I've often said that all one has to do to get me interested in a movie is add a dose of vampire, stir in some chop sockey, add a pinch (Pinch you get it ooooh the humanity) of vampire breasts, and a shake of ass rock mixed with some club inspired beats with an angelic host of voices and you have a movie that SFB HAS to go see. Alright, fine a shake isn't technically a term used in cooking I ran out of terms to use. It's too bad that with a topic as great as vampires the number of good movies is far and few between. Now if they could do a vampire movie with Samurai's, put it in a futuristic context with space ships, add Jet Li and the ass rock/hippity hop that would be a recipe for destruction.

Sooooo on Saturday I was drawn to the theatre like a sailor drawn to the sirens song and saw latest incarnation of your favorite blood suckers "Underworld Evolution". To use the term bad when describing this movie would be a great understatement, it's kind of like saying Hitler was not very nice. "Underworld Evolution" is one of those movies where after you watch it you wonder who it had to go through to get the approval it needed to then drink (Drink, get it?) up the millions of dollars it took to make. I mean really I feel like I should go to the theatre and try to make a case to the executives that their money would be better spent if they would just give me a little cut of the pie. Not to actually help make the movie you see, I just figure a little infusion of cash to help me pay for some home improvements and a new car would be a better use of the money. I will say there was some vampire breasts swaying in the wind, there was some great gothic club music, there were some great action scenes, there was however no story in sight. Seriously none. Oh alright there was but I could sum it up in two sentences, which is amazing since I won't finish this entry up in less than two pages. Let me give an example of the ludicrous-ness (Care not english majors) of the movie, the origination of vampires occurred when one brother Marcus was bit by a bat while his brother William was bit by a wolf. You can figure out who became what, go ahead I trust you. That's about all of the back story you got, now granted I hadn't seen the first one but I was told there wasn't much story there either. There were tits though, did I mention them? For the gals out there the male lead was some dude (Scott Speedman) from Felicity that kept tearing his shirt off like Hulk Hogan. Hulkamania Werewolves! Anyway I don't think I'll end of getting it when it comes to DVD, that is unless I can get it for $1 and then I'd only do that so that when I am feeling down I can watch it and cheer myself up.

After that I had the gang over for PBR's, veges, French onion dip and Carcassonne. If anyone ever tries to tell you that playing Carcassonne under the heavy handed influence of alcohol works... gut them like a fish immediately. I'm not entirely sure how most things that I'm involved in turn into some sort of binge drinking endeavor. Some, mainly SG, would claim that I'm a lush while other people, Steven Seagals wife, would say that I'm a pusher.... regardless people get good and loaded when they come to my home. Mint julep anyone?


At 1:28 AM, Blogger Josh Glover said...

That is tragic, for the original "Underworld" was surprisingly good, notwithstanding the lack of Jet Li.


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