Sad Faced Boy


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I actually forgot that I got worked all into a lather over this about a month ago. I guess I would have seen it had I logged in once to blogger but I've been busy. Busy shopping. Shopping and painting and when not shopping and painting sitting on my ass eating bonbons or cookies. "Who dey" came from work, as everything does with me these days, where in a coworkers email signature they had [first name] "Who Dey" [last name]. Is this worthy of getting worked into a lather? No. Especially not when the latherer in question is a person who's IM default away message says "Out killing pepperoni's". Now is a message seen only seen internally as bad as an email signature sent to both internal and external people the same? I would argue no but then I'm a bit biased. Could the coworker in question have sent this email using an internal email signature and has another email signature for clients? Yes. Do I think they are doing this? No. Is it any of my business... not really. But then why do I care.

In looking at the last six months at Sprockets I have realized that my journey through the valley of the shadow of negativity has been a long one and the path out has been slow and fraught with many downhills, switchbacks and grizzly bears. I look at myself six months ago and all I can think is how nasty and repulsive I was to be around.

You’re a malcontent and a cancer, and I won’t have you on my ship. So you have a choice. You can figure out how to become a human being again and an officer, or you can find another place to live, off of this ship. You're dismissed. (Admiral Adama, Battlestar Galactica, Torn)

I'm not going to lie, I don't think that I will become any less negative and don't think that I'll ever become a "glass is half full" type of person. That's just not me but I would like to try to be undecided about this glass and it's contents. Of late I've started to actually take the comment "why do you care" made to me so often when I get riled up about
insert blockquotesomething. Why do I care? Why do I care if someone puts a stupid nickname on their corporate email signature. Why do I care if nasty emails are sent out explaining that closed doors are not acceptable and send the wrong message to fellow coworkers. Why do I care if other projects that other groups are working on never get completed. Why do I care if people talk more about rewriting a product than rewriting it, especially when it isn't my product or project. So "Why do I care" has become my mantra the thing that I will repeat over and over again to myself while sipping green tea. I don't need this anger about things that don't affect me. I don't need it and my group members don't need it and most of all SG doesn't need it. Will I keep getting angry? Most definatly but what I hope is that I will be able to remember my mantra and calm myself down. If all else fails I should be happy to realize that I don't have to work the hours that employees at Electronic Arts (EA) was having to work a couple years back.