Sad Faced Boy


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Conspicous consumption....

Easton, me and Easton (the newest, largest and most ridiculous shopping area in C-bus) have a sort of love hate relationship, well actually I think I'm just starting to downright dislike it. I've noticed that I have these tendencies where I know I don't like a place/thing/movie (fill in the blank) yet I go and experience it again. I first realized I had such tendencies with the Big Mac when I was in highschool. I think I would get one once every 6 months or so, I knew they were nasty, and yet I thought maybe they weren't that nasty.... and well they were. So Easton is much the same way, that place is just ridiculous, I mean it is really interesting for the one reason that unlike other shopping areas they tried to add venues for people to do stuff after the stores close. They also have concerts, fountains, and it's actually kind of pleasent walking around at night when they have it all lit up, that is if you can ignore all the hummers, SUV's and misc cars that keep trying to run you over.

I went to Easton today mainly because I wanted to get another laundry hamper for our basement so that we can half all our clothes organized and sorted and ready to be washed, I know, I know border line neurotic. Then again I really like to organized stuff, I'd actually like the container store if it wasn't such a joke. Here's an example of what I mean, they had a plastic organizer where they were showing how you could store Matchbox toy cars. This particular case held 12 such cars, now how much would you think said container would cost. The sane person would say I dunno, 3 dollars or so, however this was six dollars. Dazamn, I mean come on it's just plastic, I'm sure I can go over to Lowe's or Target and it's half the price. I did buy that laundry hamper though, I checked around and didn't see anything else like it and the price was right, expensive but really can you put a price on organization (Did I mention that I am anal?).

After that I went to Crate and Barrel as I have had an itch to go there for awhile and I keep trying to find a lamp for my bedside table. Why again I even bothered going, first of all they had maybe a tenth of the lamps on their website. On top of that the store is organized in such a way that if I was trying to find some particular frame or accessory on their website I would have to break out my Dr Watson magnifying class and search underneath every piece of furniture and behind ever wall.

Easton in general is just retarded, regardless of the season most of the stores leave their doors open as if closed doors is uninviting. Abercrombie and Fitch is the worst, I swear that place just causes homicidal tendencies to blossom in my head. They always have a brigade of athletic people (probably one from each sport that a suburban school can have) standing in the doorway talking, oh and sometimes they welcome you to the store. Ugh.

Other than that I got my screens back from the hardware store, hopefully I can avoid slashing them again. Today was pretty laid back all and all, I have to apply a paint of coat to the one side of the screens then let it set for a couple of days then flip them over, prime and paint that side. After that we will finally be able to winterize our sunroom, which is nice since that thing leaks heat like it's nobodys business.

Last night was nice, I got to introduce some of my friends to Carcassonne, and it actually seemed like they liked it. There was a point at which I did something nice to a friend of mine who was losing which in turn allowed him to get 33 points and go on to win the game. Meh it's just a game though, and besides I won the second one, take that suckaz.

Tomorrow is work, ugh, it has not been the most enthralling of days at work lately. Lots of waiting and reading, I really should enjoy the time I have had to read up on Javascript and really learn how to use the DOM object, but really all it does is make me sleepy, it's just something about O'Reilly books.


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