Sad Faced Boy


Monday, June 19, 2006

Nutmeg natures little nut of hallucinogenic fun, dry mouthed hallucinating fun.

I'm having trouble forming thoughts today, or making my vision focus. When I look directly at things my eyes keep wanting to go out of focus and my peripheral vision makes me feel like I'm swaying, it's very disorienting. I blame ALL OF THIS on the Nutmeg (From here forth called the "Spice", for He who controls the Spice controls the universe.) in the "Painkiller" drinks we were making last night because well the Spice has narcotic "properties" that could make me feel this way along with turning my eyes blue (HA HAAAAAAA they already are blue) and making me able to kill with a word, travel across time and space and eventually turn me into a giant navigating slug thing. Just in case you don't know that the Spice (nutmeg) has hallucinogenic effects much like cannabis let me drop this little bit into the post:

Even in smaller doses, Nutmeg can still be toxic. Ingestion of as little as 5 g may cause dry mouth, fast pulse, fever and flushing. It has amphetamine-like effects and may lead to the ingestion of large volumes of water. There is no specific antidote; the adverse effects wear off after 24 hours (or more) of rest.

-- Wiki

Six glasses, Spice in each glass, a few times where I added more and last night I could have easily had a teaspoon of nutmeg and according to a very reliable source a teaspoon is 7.1 grams. If Wiki can be believed, if indeed, I'd say I was and am still totally bombed on the Spice. The internet doesn't lie and besides if I feel better by 8pm tonight we will know that the Internet doesn't lie. Like that logic.

For more proof that I might have had a teensy bit more "Spice" than I should have I feel really really groggy today. I shouldn't be groggy as I went to bed at 12:30 and slept nearly nine hours more than enough to make me feel rested. On top of that I think I was experiencing dry mouth as I got up at one point and drank nearly a liter of water. Then upon coming back to bed I found that I was unable to fall back to sleep due to feelings of feverishness. Count em' up, Grogginess, fever, dry mouth, intoxication, blue rabbits doing the polka, all signs point to the SPICE.

SG always wanting to debunk my fun is convinced that I was hot because the AC didn't cycle on as the outside temperature dropped and we didn't open our windows. She thinks I was dehydrated because I drank too much, and was intoxicated because I'm a lush, and I'm groggy because I'm spacey in general.

I however think that's all bunk, though I will admit I might have had "one two many" I was more than sober by the time we left. Some people may find that a small glass is a good idea when having a mixed drink as you get smaller amounts of whatever it is your drinking and are less likely to drink as much. I have found that the smaller the drink the faster I tend to finish it treating it more as a shot than a drink. Maybe all goes back to the fact that I am a goal oriented person and finishing things is something that makes me feel like I am accomplishing something. With a smaller glass one is able to see the glass go down faster thereby giving one a sense of greater accomplishment. I could leave it a single glass but then there's the larger goal (the pitcher) which one has to keep one's eye on and that pitcher has this tendency to refill itself.

The Painkiller is a drink indigenous to the Virgin Islands made from the roots of the painius killerarius drinkius fruit (alkhoalicaea family). The plant attracts giant wholly ant eaters who are drawn to the spice and make the harvesting of it a very dangerous endeavor. The drink itself was first made at the "Soggy Dollar" bar on the British Virgin Island Jost Van Dyke. The bar got it's name because there was(is) no dock for you to pull your boat up to so you have to anchor off the beach then swim to the shore thereby getting your money wet. Apparently people who own boats don't believe in things called dry bags. By the time you get to the bar and order your drink your money is soggy which brings us back to why the bar is called the Soggy Dollar bar. Why not pounds? Well see because even in the British Virgin Islands the dollar is King. Can you imagine how irritated you would be if you were a citizen of Britain visiting a British Virgin Island only to find that your own money can't be used.

Must fight the spice... I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fears path, and only I will remain, Must fight the spice. If anyone needed anymore proof that indeed I am experiencing a Spice induced haze here's another link that SG has provided me which I am convinced is a complete and total tongue in cheek type thing but at this point what does it matter. THE SPICE!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully there were no hallucinations of serial killer clowns holding bloody knives at the bottom of my stairs otherwise I'd have to swear off Painkillers and Eggnog and THE SPICE. I need more coffee.

BTW here is the recipe for the Painkillers we made.

4 parts pineapple juice.
1 part Cocoa Lopez (coconut mixer).
1 part orange juice.
1-2 parts Dark Rum.

You can find Cocoa Lopez in the area of your grocery store that has the mixers for Margharitas and Pina Coladas. It comes in 12

1.) Get out your trusty blender and add 8oz. of pinapple juice, 4oz. Cocoa Lopez, 4oz. Orange juice and 4-8oz Rum.
2.) Blend briefly and pour over glasses filled with ice and garnish the drink with a few taps of Nutmeg.


At 12:00 AM, Blogger Josh Glover said...

Mmm... Dune...

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Choco Ison said...

I'd rather have your imaginary nutmeg dilemma than my all too real post-Seppuku sauce trauma.

I have certainly fallen into a burning ring of fire. Proppa!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger SFB said...

I should have made you drink moto biru so that you would have had the beer poops and the hot sauce trauma. I can just hear the screams now. BWA HA HA HAA HAAAA.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger SFB said...

Where's your blog choco. get on it.


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