Sad Faced Boy


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

If boredom was trees I'd be Alaska.

Right, so I feel like I haven't had much to do at work for about two or three weeks now. Mainly it has been because two weeks ago rolled out a bunch of new code into production and then well my caca touch started turning everything into caca. Then there was our favorite client threatening use our product in a volume that we were unsure could be done, which again meant more scrambling around.

Which leads me to Metroid, last night a bug cropped up at about 5pm or so, after determining that it wasn't my process I waited around until a coworker of mine fixed it. During this time I logged about an hour and a half playing Metroid Zero Mission. I bought this game because Super Ghouls N' Ghosts on the Game Boy Advance was so hard that after owning the game for 5 months I've only cleared three levels. I think it might actually take me a month to finish a level, and the whole time I'm playing it I am wondering what evil thing I've done to inflict this game on myself. It's a classic game and should be remembered as one of the great classics, however that doesn't change the fact that the game is impossible. The control of your character is abysmal, on top of that the life meter is ridiculously small. You start out wearing armor, then when you get hit you lose your armor and are running around in your boxers, if you get hit again you are dead. On top of that there are only save points halfway between each level which is an improvement over the original as I believe it didn't even have that. The Maximo games on PS2 are fantastic games, I love them and played the bejesus out of them, however Ghost and Gouls is just pain.

Back to Metroid, this game has got everything right, game control, character design, level design, music, cut scenes, difficulty level, etc, etc. I initially started playing weeks ago when I bought it and Katamari Damacy, however I was playing it pretty infrequently. Now however I am in the throws of fighting off Metroids, Mother Brain and the irritating Space Pirates. Since last night I think I have logged 3-4 hours on it, which is more than the last month that I've owned the game. I even tried to play and watch the latest episode of Full Metal Alchemist, and all I know is that I don't remember any of the Full Metal Alchemist.

Called my Dad today to wish him a happy birthday, we will be going to a Greek restaurant called Spiros over on Riverside Drive for his birthday this Saturday. I'm really looking forward to going as I am a big fan of Greek food and from my understanding Spiros is an old family owned place that used to be on Trabue Rd right after you crossed the railroad tracks.

Tonight I'm meeting SG out for dinner at the Elevator Bar and Brewery for dinner before she goes to Stitch and Bitch and I get to go home and curl up on the couch and watch some much needed Tivo. Once again Tivo has recorded too many SG-1 episodes so now I have to power through them before my wife start complaining about the terrible acting and stupid stories (I do realize the acting isn't ALL that great).


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