Sad Faced Boy


Saturday, December 17, 2005

North but still close to hell.

After having braved the malls for the last time in my attempt to purchase things that I'm sure the people I love will either return or never use.... actually I think most of the stuff I'm buying is wanted, alright so nevermind. I had to make a journey up to Hellaris where the sidewalk has never been heard of, being a pedestrian makes you feel much like a deer and SUV's burn gas like there's no tomorrow. I can't actually go to far into why I was up there, secret squirrel shit yo, a little James Bond need to know kind of thing, however what I do have to say is why would anyone like to live up in Polaris (henceforth renamed as Hellaris). It just sucks, I realize sucks is not terribly descriptive but let me sum it up: cookie cutter houses, nasty malls, traffic everywhere, chain stores, chain restaurants, chain bars, baby strollers the size of my Civic, oh and one of the largest churches in Columbus if not the nation has it's own highschool up there too, yup shit's Paul Bunyon big up there.

When I was in college I was apart of religious organization in college until I realized.... they were fucking crazy. Nothing like going to college to be a public speaking major, failing that major, running out of money and instead of doing something about it, praying that God will help your lazy ass. Usually God's help would show up in the form of someone's parents giving them money to help them pay for their bills. See it isn't the whole parent's paying for stuff, I am by no means the poster child of self reliance. My college tuition was paid for, my books were paid for and my rent was paid for throughout college. I admit it I was spoiled and am SO thankful that I didn't need to get school loans. It was just that they would never do anything, they would sit around and pray that God would show them the way, which in my mind was ludicrous. Take responsibility for your own damn life, do what you can and if some coincidence occurs (you get hired for a new and better job out of the blue, someone buys your house in the first day, etc, etc) then that could be the will of God.

Anyway back to what I was leading up to, the organization I was briefly apart of in college vaguely reminds me of the all growed up version of this church. This church is a megapolurch (megapolis church), I mean there's a K-12 grade school, a church, a retirement village, I mean come on it's a compound and when you start to enter the realm of compounds, and compounds my friend are never good.


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