Sad Faced Boy


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Phone is ringin'... oh my god.

I'm sitting here on the couch again unable to sleep, I couldn't sleep last night, or the night before. On top of that I have the Beastie Boys song "Get It Together" stuck in my head. The only reason why I can figure out why the song is in my head is because I was listened to it this morning... err yesterday morning while working out.

As I cannot sleep I figured I would look up insomnia. Insomnia is defined as a
Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time.
Apparently there are different three different degrees of insomnia to pair with this definition: transient, short-term and chronic. Transient is when you have insomnia for a few days at a time but get over it. Short-term is when you have insomnia for a few days at a time over a three week period and chronic is when you have insomnia a few days a week for more than a month. I don't think I have insomnia or if I do it isn't real serious as many of the definitions refer to people suffering from insomnia as having trouble staying on task while at work. I don't have said issues, I just think that for whatever reason, I blame Christmas, I can't seem to get to sleep because I keep thinking about too many random things at night and my mind never seems to calm down. So there went my theory that I might have insomnia, I am however trying some mint tea to see if it has soothing effects. I have also heard that the light generated from a computer screen can cause issues too, something about the light imitating natural day light and tricking your brain.

To end my little bits of random I learned tonight that a "blue moon" is when the moon reaches a full moon twice in the same month, also thanks to an episode of Farscape my wife found out that in theory a human can live up to 30 seconds in a vacuum. However if you ever find yourself having to leap from your exploading space ship to another space ship keep in mind to NOT hold your breath but to exhale slightly the whole time. If you are lucky you will have a case of the bends, and get to experience the feeling of moisture boiling off of your tongue, if you aren't so lucky well I guess you are space fish food.


At 1:01 AM, Blogger Josh Glover said...

"Like Ma Bell (what's that?), I got tha Ill Communication!"

Yeah, I just had "Get it Together" in my head the other day. Quality song, that one is.

I also have insomnia. I am afraid that it is somewhere between short-term and chronic, by the information you gave. :(


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