Sad Faced Boy


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Merry Belated Christmas

Another year has come and gone, and yeah another Christmas has been survived. I remember a time when I used to love Christmas, but I'm pretty sure now that was because I had to do nothing but receive one metric shit ton of presents. Fun stuff too, Lego's, those Tyco electric race cars, game consoles, Lego's, matchbox cars you know the good stuff. I think I've also decided that if I ever end of having a child be they boy or girl the mini me will be sure to get Lego's, lots of Lego's that Papa Smurf will be sure to help play with, err put together.

This year was slightly less hectic than previous years but I think that was only because we spent more time at my Dad's parents and then were able to rest for a couple of hours before going to the families house. So it was brunch at my Dad's parents, a quick visit for an hour and a half at SG's family gathering and then a final stop at my uncles for dinner. I ate so much I'm suprised I didn't bust a gut, let's see I had two tasty bloody mary's, egg caserole (egg's, sausage, cheese), scrambled eggs, four pieces of bacon, one sausage, one mini muffin, one piece of chocolate danish, a bunch of cheese cubes, some nuts, a Pepsi and a diet caffeine free coke for brunch. I am such a big fat glutonus fuck. Then for dinner I had a bunch of cheese log on sesame crackers, nuts, shrimp, a cosmopolitan, three glasses of wine, a slice of roast beast, brussels sprouts with prosciutto, potatoes, cranbery relish, a roll, a piece of cake and a couple cups of coffee. Did I mention that I was a giant glutonus fat fuck? Now that it's over I wish I could have had more time to enjoy it, but holidays like weddings seem to fly by before you realize it.

The one thing I will say about this year is that if I had my choice Christmas should always be on a Sunday as having Christmas Eve on a Saturday makes it really really easy to get prepared for Christmas Eve dinners and such. Also having the day after Christmas off to rest up was equally nice, I should remember that if I ever want to run for President. Along with getting rid of the open container law I would make it a law that Christmas and New Years would always fall on a Sunday, oh and four day weeks for everyone. Anyway Monday was spent resting up and working out like an anorexic sorority girl as I spent two hours at the gym on various gerbil machines. In my defense I did read a whole issue of Scuba Diver and finished the latest Wheel of Time book "Knife of Dreams." After that was a happy hour at Barley's Smokehouse to wish some good friends of mine congratulations on their engadgement and to partake in many fine brewed beverages.


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