Sad Faced Boy


Friday, March 10, 2006

SFBLLCF, I didn't raise you to be a hater Linux.

Me and Linux have this very delicate relationship, I try not to pry into it's inner workings or what it's been up to and it lets me use it. However every once and awhile it likes to go get hoped up on some Meth and then we have to have a little talk. Usually this "talk" involves Linux sticking it's digital boot straight up my candy ass like the Peoples Champ. I might actually be able to deal with being fucked by a computer if before fucking me it would say "I'm going to lay the smackdown on your roody poo candy ass". How did Linux fuck me this time? A coworker sent me a link with instructions on how to get Firefox and mplayer to work so that you can view pages that have QuickTime movies for those, ahem, important QuickTime tutorials on programming.

So I meander on down and open up a little typey window thing we like to call a terminal (Like opening a window in DOS) and type:

"yum -y install mplayer mplayer-skins mplayer-fonts"

Only to be greeted by this gobblygook of witch craft mumbo jumbo:

There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run Yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named cElementTree

Please install a package which provides this module, or
verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the
current version of Python, which is:
2.4.1 (#1, Jun 21 2005, 02:38:47)
[GCC 3.4.3 20050227 (Red Hat 3.4.3-22.fc3)]

Did that make any sense to you? It didn't to me, more like textual diarrhea on my screen finger painted by a small child. Linux has all these handy dandy tools that basically take all the work out of keeping your programs and libraries reasonably up to date. However if you haven't properly cleansed yourself, killed the sacrificial lamb, and sprinkled it's blood on your keyboard the God of Linux Linus Torvalds may just reach out and grab you by nut sack and grab, squeeze, twist and pull.

Two hours of my life have passed and I have determined that when I ran an update on my machine last Friday it most likely installed a new version of Yum (Think windows update but for Linux), installed a new version of Python (programming language that Yum uses) or installed a new version of some important Python libraries. Take your pick, personally I'd much rather believed that I was cursed by a voodoo Witch Doctor, seems much more plausible to me. I like to call this SFB's Linux Luddite Cluster Fuck, lets just call it SFBLLCF for short. Yum seems to be working now however that was after I had to uninstall newer versions of the Python libraries python-urlgrabber and python-elementtree with older probably more stable versions that have been sanctified by a licensed Linux voodoo Witch Doctor. "I saw the Witch Doctor he gave me this advice".

If you needed another example of why Linux is a hater let me tell you of a little story about my home Linux machine. I installed the stupid thing and then have just been too busy working on the house, spending quality time with Terry the Tivo, and Guitar Heros to configure it. Last week I turned it on so that I could keep watch on some auctions on Ebay in between being killed in Counter-Strike. I turn it on and switch back to the Windows machine and play for awhile. After a bit I switched back to the Linux machine only to find it sitting at a blank screen. Confused I turned off the Linux machine and turned it back on this time watching it boot. It started booting and then stopped saying it couldn't find some very important areas on my file system. I won't go into the details but what happened would be like if you turned on your Windows machine and it couldn't determine what was your C drive, D drive, or E drive which means it doesn't know where Windows lives so it can't boot. The not so strange thing is that this isn't new, this has already happened once which is what led me to reinstall the last time. So how does a machine that you never touch suddenly get a lobotomy? Because Linux is a hater.


At 6:43 PM, Blogger Josh Glover said...

Linux is not a hater of the players, it's more like a coach, or an owner.

To make Quicktime work in Firefox, one needs to install mplayer plug-in. Of course, you need Yum working first, if you don't have a real package system, like Portage.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger SFB said...

See what I mean more gibberish. My only point here jmglov is that I used yum like most people say to use as it is being still being worked on unlike apt. I do things like I try to update every week or so and you know what it does?

Sticks it's phallus of electronic hate up my butt.

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Josh Glover said...

All of the package systems seem to give one enough rope with which to hang oneself; simply do not do a full update unless you really need to, and you should not get massive b0rkage of your virtual cornhole.


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