Sad Faced Boy


Monday, March 20, 2006

"The Mission" Huh? Dinero as a Scottish guy, oh wait he's Spanish.

Three bars later and more Jack Daniels than I willingly want to remember St. Patricks day is over and gone. There's something about an evening that starts at 4pm with your boss calling from the bar telling you that you have finished all your work for the day. Then later getting a call from your wife telling you that she was going to need you to pick her up at some bar at some point and it just so happens that this bar just happens to be one that you have never been too. Good times. Actually the bar she was at was really alright, had this neighborhood feel to it kind of reminded me of the bar in "Boondock Saints" where the Russian Mafia guys pick a fight on St. Patricks day. Except it wasn't in Boston, didn't have Irish people in it, and is filled with all kinds of Buckeye paraphernalia. The next day SG and I went to get some lunch with a coworker of mine and his girlfriend before we went to the Columbus Car show. The restaurant had these margaritas on tap which I could not pass up trying, one sip however and I broke out in an immediate sweat and started shaking. Not saying I didn't finish it just saying.

Saturday SG and I decided to watch our over due copy of David Lynch's "Mulholland Dr". 38 minutes into the movie it suddenly stopped in mid stride let out a couple of asthmatic rattling coughs and restarted. At this point you may be wondering why we didn't try to go to the next chapter and then back up to the point where the skipping occurred or why we didn't try to fast forward past the skipping spot. As for the first question:

The Region 1 DVD of the movie does not feature "chapters"; attempting to "skip" to the next scene or chapter takes you to the "DVD" logo animation at the very end of the movie after all the credits and ratings and so forth. Director David Lynch requested this himself, as he has done on previous releases, such as The Straight Story (1999). By allowing the film to be on one chapter, Lynch believes people will be more inclined to view the feature in one sitting, as intended. Robert Zemeckis also used this idea on his laserdisc release of Forrest Gump (1994). -- IMDB

So no chapters all pressing the chapter button got was SG and I snatching the remote out of each others hands repeatedly pressing the next chapter button and swearing profusely when it didn't work and fast forwarding had no affect other than wasting five minutes of my life. At this point SG got this "I am a pregnant woman find me this rare and exotic food at 11pm" look in her eye and out I went into the wide blue yonder up to the Best Buy at Hellaris.

Me and this Best Buy have a little bit of history together every time I go there looking for something they never have it. NEVER, not even once. I have no idea how a store the size California can have a stock so lacking but it's true. I know I know, definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. At some point after trying to find the movie myself I gave up and started hunting for a clerk. How is it when you are trying to find something there is no one around and when you are browsing every clerk in the store asks if they can help you. I finally found a clerk and asked him if they had "Mulholland Dr" and instead of using one of these new fangled things called "computers" he goes and looks on the shelf I was just at. While crouched down and looking at the bottom shelf for a minute or so he picks up the movie "The Mission" and says "Dinero as a Scottish guy, oh wait he's Spanish."

A. I didn't ask him about the movie "The Mission" and

B. Who the fuck cares about "The Mission", I mean I'm sure it could be a lovely movie but not the one I was looking for.

At one point I think I said "I guess you don't have it, thanks for your help" and walked up to the cash registers. 1 hour, 37.2 miles, a McDonald's Coke and cheese burger later I arrive back home to start watching "Mulholland Dr" again. After all that was it worth it, yes and no yes and no. It was good but I thought overly confusing for the sake of being confusing.


At 7:12 PM, Blogger __ said...

Um. For the benefit of your readers who know me, perhaps you should point out that your "I am a pregnant woman" spiel was just a metaphor.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger SFB said...

No need, I am so articulate it was understood. ^_^


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