Sad Faced Boy


Monday, March 13, 2006

My newest favorite neurosis.

Monday night I was attempting to fall asleep after a bawdy rowdy evening of what I like to call SFB's neurotic reorganizing of the basement for the Nth time. How much can you organize something? Well see you first start out putting your stuff into plastic tubs. Then you label the tubs because you can't find anything, then you take the items inside the tubs and you put them in their own smaller tubs to better organize them and keep them from breaking. Soon you realize that you have something that resembles a Rubbermade matryoshka doll, you know but without the doll. Finally you come to the conclusion that you have too much stuff, or that you could give some things away to Salvation Army and then you are left with half full bins. You then take those tubs and recombine them and the whole merry neurotic cycle continues, like the seasons but much more neurotic.

This isn't my new favorite neurosis it's actually an old one I really love to organize things. What can I say I'm special. The new neurosis is that I have this irrational fear that the one section of basement wall that is slightly bowed will bow a little more and snap the copper pipes that lead to the utility sink. This rupturing will then lead to the filling our basement with water and destroying everything. It nearly brings me to tears just thinking about it well tears and neurotic worrying. I'm not really that bad I just like to organize, it's not like I have to go wash my hands three times every time someone drops something on the ground. Anyway while laying in bed I saw the basement fill up, the power to the house short out and then me wondering what that big pop was, and wandering downstairs to find my basement flooding from within. I then go diving into the water in an heroic attempt to shut off the main water valve. The only problem is that there is no lights and the main shut off water valve will be in eight feet of water. Even if I find it the chance that I could get stuck and drown is always there. SG tells me that this is completely neurotic but just like my fear of Psycho Serial Killer clowns waiting at the bottom of my stairs or an Zombie Apocalypse you have to prepare your mind for all possible catastrophe's.


At 7:46 PM, Blogger __ said...

Um, those pipes aren't actually bolted to the wall. They'd just move if the wall suddenly moved an inch (which is more than it's moved in the last 80 years...) On top of that, copper bends, so they pipes wouldn't break even if the wall did push on them. Head case.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Josh Glover said...

I also love to organise stuff, and label it, and sort it by various arcane criteria.

Hurrah for gentle disfunctions! :)

And SG, you better stop hatin' and start participatin'! Damn!


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