Ouch indeed, after my wonderful week of my code continuously grinding it's stiletto high heels into my crouch I figured I needed a few drinks. Really it all came to a head when I found myself desperately trying to discover why my code hates me when in the office next to me the whole population of China decided to show up and talk for awhile. Normally if your building was made of say sheetrock and wood these wouldn't be problems but when your doors are made of balsa wood and your walls of rice paper there is no privacy. Once the delegation left the building maintenance company decided that they were going to try to fix some problem with the main door that leads out to the atrium. The door opened, the door closed, open, close, open, close, open, close, open, close again, and again, and again and again and again. You must be thinking that a door opening an closing for ten minutes is nothing to work oneself into a lather over, however every time the door opens a beeping noise emits, ever time. FINALLY that stopped and all was quiet, then a Goose head popped up right next to my window and honked. His/Hers/It's honk lead to all the other geese in the greater metropolitan area of Columbus to honk in one unanimous roar, the sound was deafening and at that point the desire to sprint out and start swinging geese by their necks was nearly overwhelming. So please forgive me if I felt the need to get a little drinky in my on Friday night. I grabbed some dinner Friday night at Hound Dogs home of Smoking Joes Pizza, Spicy sauce and saucy punk wenches. SG was unable to make it out, something about a symphony concert and me not being invited, yada yada yada. After pizza and PBR I found myself over at Tito's delivering folding chairs for the annual Tito-athon the next night. Four hours later and a flask of whiskey gone I found myself sitting on Tito's couch attempting to understand through my whiskey induced drunken haze Shirow's latest anime show (Ghost in the Shell 2 Second Gig). At some point Tito and I looked at each other and we both realized that neither one of us understood what was going on in the show, at that point I went home... good idea no, but I did nonetheless.
Saturday night was Tito's birthday party which was a great time, Schlitz was had, mini kegs of Heineken were tapped for their foamy goodness and those with the soul of a rockstar got to rock out with their cocks out. If the rocker did not have a cock well they rocked out twice as hard. How does one rock out? Well one has to purchase Guitar Hero's for the playstation. This here is a game that lets you posture like the best of them and play some mad air guitar while jamming to such great hits as (among others) "Thunder kiss 65", "Iron Man", and "I wanna be sedated". There are two really nice things about this game. 1) As you play and hit the notes on time your 'rock out' meter fills up, when it is full you then can go into rock out mode by tilting your guitar to a 90 degree angle with the floor. 2) Some of the songs that you can unlock are from indy type bands that different developers that worked on Guitar Heros knew of 3) Do you really need anything else? Alright there's a whammy bar. I think I am going to write to Red Octane and see if they are considering a wireless version of Guitar Hero's, once that comes out all I need are some wireless headphones and then I can jam out in my backyard while standing on my patio table. I could also get a Scion xB and I hook it up with LCD TVs (on the roof, and in the headrests) then install a strap system on the roof so that you can pull a Jason Batemen and ride on top of the car like in Teenwolf 2. Eat your heart out Huey Lewis.
I ended up being a little smarter and a lot less drunk and walked home at 3:45am and got home at 4:15am. I choose to take a short cut and cut across the pedestrian bridge into the Park of Roses. Before SG left she kept trying to take my wallet for fear that if I did get mugged that the muggers wouldn't get my wallet, I was more worried that if I was chomped by a zombie that without my wallet people would be unable to determine it was me. Granted if I was a zombie it wouldn't matter but at least it would give my loved ones some closure.